Charging Info
Plug in
Energy Delivered

All Your Charging Info At A Glance

Integrated OLED Display will present device status, operation mode, energy delivered, meter value in plain sight, and error code if anything goes wrong, making diagnosis easy.

Embrace the "NEO" installation way.

Clip and Play

Modular design “sandwich” housing.

Easy to mount. Flexible routing. One clip to install.

With a wiring backplate and one clip installed main body, and plug and charge commission-free setup, one electrician can complete the installation with ease.

Dynamic Load Balancing

Dynamic load management with full protection of electrical safety.

Monitor electricity usage and dynamically adjust the charging current to protect fuse.

Saving huge investments to upgrade the grid supply.

Dynamic Load Balancing
Solar Charging

Utilize the surplus energy from the solar to charge your EV.

Prioritize using only the solar surplus for EV charging.

Combine power grid with solar energy for EV charging to maximum cost saving and minimum carbon footprint.

Solar Charging
MID-Level Charging Bill

Manage your charging bill with MID grade accurate charging consumption.

Full visibility of your charging activities, review and categorize by time, authorization, and private or company car.

One tap to export your charging bill and send to email.

MID-Level Charging Bill
OCPP and Local EMS

Integrated with mainstream third-party OCPP backend provider.

Open MODBUS interface for EMS integration.

OCPP and Local EMS